How to Spot a Drone at Night – 10 Ways to Identify Them

How to spot drone at night

Drones are a sight to behold, especially with all the flashy lights illuminating the night sky. They are used for a myriad of purposes as they offer us an elevated and different perspective of civilizations, places, and people.

They can be used to shoot movies or get fabulous shots of the view as the night sky sets in. They can also be utilized for safety and spying purposes. The reason could be any of these; however, it becomes necessary for you to be able to discover and identify drones taking a stroll at night!

You obviously would not be able to spot the drone because it usually blends well with the hues of the dark sky. However, there are certain ways to identify them, and this article is all about these ways!

Drones That Wander in the Night Sky

People may fly personal drones at night for a variety of reasons. Drones have a lot of potential for capturing amazing streetscapes and illuminated landscapes.

Hobby drone pilots, on the other hand, are unlikely to be permitted to fly at night.

Policeman use a drone

So, while looking for yours, you might come across some other drones. Such drones might belong to:

1. Cops

Drones are used by cops to monitor and target criminal behavior. These drones owned by cops are often much larger and have up to six propellers. The drone’s color scheme is most likely to be red and blue.

2. Security

Private security agencies can fly about their own property to keep an eye on those who aren’t supposed to be there and locate assets to ensure nothing’s been taken. It’s unlikely to be a security drone unless you’re on someone else’s private property.

3. Researchers

Researchers and scientists have been known to utilize drones fitted with infrared cameras to spot wildlife at night if you live anywhere near a preservation park or woodland region. If your neighborhood is teeming with wildlife, this could be the case.

4. Unauthorized Drones

We frequently think about people using drones to take pictures without any consent. At night, however, it is unclear whether a drone will be able to catch distinguishable features from a significant distance. So, always beware of such unauthorized drones which might be problematic for you.

10 Ways to Spot A Drone at Night

1. Find The Tail Lights

Drone Tail Light

This is probably the simplest way of spotting a drone at night. Most drones often come with cameras equipped with flash that can capture better shots and films. The lights attached to a drone depend on the type of drone flying.

For instance, a basic drone always comes with a single light that is switched on during the entire flight. Similarly, when we talk about advanced drones, they have two lights. One of these lights is permanently switched on while the other keeps blinking for the entire duration.

Drone Light Colors

Drones can have any color of light, depending on user preference or function. If it’s a police drone, for example, it might have red and blue lights, whereas a recreational drone might have a mix of LED colors.

Different kinds of lights on the drone

If the pilot follows all of the laws, the drone should be equipped with lights that allow the authorities to detect the drone’s orientation at all times. This implies that the drone might require three lights at the minimum to determine its position and orientation.

A white light over the top, a red navigational light just on the left, as well as a green navigational light on the right — this is identical to the lighting used by an aircraft when flying at night.

The operator might be able to figure out which direction the drone is oriented in and traveling towards by using these LEDs. If you see a red navigational light on the right along with a green light to the left, that means the drone is approaching you.

If a drone pilot is flying at night, it must not only connect lights to the drone’s arms, but it could often choose to connect spotlights towards the drone’s arms throughout the flight.

2. Track The Sound Source

If lights look deceiving, you can always follow the sounds produced by these drones. Drones like parrot drones make sounds as soon as they are flown. Since these sounds are loud, you will be able to hear them way before you see them in the sky.

However, there is a catch when you are trying to identify a drone with the help of sound. While sound does travel further than light, there are high chances that it gets attenuated due to other sounds that might interfere with the sound being emitted from a drone!

Besides, this method only works in the case when the locality you live in is relatively on the quieter side of the spectrum and if the drone in question is not a professional surveillance drone! Wondering why? Well, since these drones are being used for surveillance, they are sneaky and stealthy!

3. Detect Its Radio Frequency

One of the best ways to spot a drone is to detect the radio frequency being emitted from the drone. The live feed that a drone provides usually lies at the far end of the radio frequency, which means that you will have to buy some advanced equipment and devices to detect the frequency.

You can only use an anti-drone radio frequency detector if the drones do not already have radio frequency signal jammers incorporated in them! In addition, you will always have to be on your feet because the radio frequency starts on the lower end and increases as the drone takes its flight.

It then disappears when a drone stops, and you will have to try out every possible angle and be spontaneous enough to move around in order to detect the signals emitted.

4. Utilize The Acoustic Sensors

This method can only be employed if your neighborhood is quiet at night. Using an acoustic sensor increases your accuracy. Although they are more expensive than most of the methods in this article, they are more reliable than the rest.

An acoustic sensor is a jackpot especially in the cases where the drone has poor signal reflectivity or if it lacks the communication protocol. Every drone makes some sound when flying in the sky, and with acoustic sensors, you can even detect those stealthy spy drones. No matter how quiet a drone is, it emits a sound when its propeller starts turning.

The best part is that these sensors have the ability to distinguish between a sound signal produced by a drone and other sources. Therefore, it reduces your chances of getting a false alarm when you utilize this method!

5. Use Infrared Light Motion Detectors

Drone Detection with Thermal Camera

This method is not the most conventional way to spot a drone, but it can prove to be quite effective. You can use the infrared light motion detectors present in your area to spot all kinds of drones.

Any spy drone would be equipped with infrared illuminators and, hence, easily identifiable. These drones are usually used to observe dark areas with the help of infrared lights that send information to the user’s camera.

All you have to do is identify an illuminator source, and this would be sufficient to conclude that a drone is nearby. You do not have to worry about purchasing this equipment because you can simply choose to buy them as services from companies!

6. Use A Radar Detector

Again, this is one of the most effective methods of drone detection with the help of radar signals. A radar detector analyzes the signals that bounce back from a drone when in line with the radar transmission.

These radar detectors can cover more ground and distance and therefore are highly efficient. However, like any of the best methods, it comes with one drawback in the form of the high dent you would experience in your account balance when getting it installed.

You can configure it to detect drones in either a specific direction or in all directions based on your requirements. These radar transmission detectors can also distinguish the signals that bounce back from a bird and a drone.

The higher-end detectors can provide you with details of the drone model flying in the night sky! So, it is totally worth the amount you would have to invest in it!

7. Drone Detector Applications to Your Rescue

Drone Tracker App

Who knew that smartphone could be your one-stop solution? If you want to utilize your smartphone to detect drones, all you have to do is install an application. Do not worry; it is as simple as it sounds.

These apps can identify and capture WiFI signals that are unencrypted, and used by drones for communicating with pilots. Once the applications capture the signals, an existing database is used to compare the sample signal to identify if the anonymous signal source is a drone or not.

Not only can it detect the drone, but it can also roughly estimate the pilot’s location. However, like any other easy method, this one also has some major drawbacks. In case the drones use encrypted wifi signals or are more than half a mile away from the phone, you will not be able to detect them.

8. Use a Motion Sensor With Detection Activated Cameras

If you don’t really have time to wait for the light or listen to sounds, you can utilize various kinds of motion detection cameras to locate drones. Drones are often detected more accurately by motion detection cameras than by humans.

By comparing a sequence of photos captured by the cameras, they are able to detect movement. When the camera detects movement, it will alert you about any encroaching object. Many motion-sensor cameras can be set up to deliver alerts to your phone by default.

It’s important to remember how the performance of these cameras improves when they’re placed in strategic positions, not in places where light and motion are difficult to detect.

In addition, the camera you use must be able to see things in infrared light rather than visible light at night. Infrared light renders objects visible in the same way as ordinary white light does, so you’ll see the picture of any drone that enters your space, but it won’t be in real color.

9. Microwave Motion Sensors Can Be Used

Drones can also be detected using microwave motion sensors. It works on a somewhat different principle than a motion detection camera. These devices release electromagnetic waves into the environment and monitor the waves as they return.

Since some of the waves are reflected back by drones, the microwave motion sensors will recognize a drone that’s entering the area under their radar. After examining the wave that rebounds off the drone, the microwave motion sensors could be able to calculate its speed and direction of travel.

Please keep in mind that the location where you put microwave motion sensors is quite important. A window is a good example of where a microwave motion sensor can be placed.

10. Thermal Detection

You can readily detect the heated components of a drone against the coolness of the night sky if you acquire a thermal camera. A drone’s circuitry warms up quickly as it flies through the air.

By the time it lands, it is really hot, and the battery is even hotter. You need to wait for at least 30 minutes for the battery to cool down before you can recharge it safely. The rapid transfer of energy from the batteries to the motors generates a significant quantity of heat inside the circuit boards, making them vulnerable to detection by thermal cameras at night.


What should I do if I spot an unauthorized drone at night?

If you spot an unauthorized drone at night, you should contact the authorities immediately and report the incident. Do not attempt to take matters into your own hands, as this may be dangerous and illegal.

Are there any smartphone applications that can help detect drones at night?

Yes, there are smartphone applications that can help detect drones at night by capturing unencrypted Wi-Fi signals used by drones to communicate with pilots. However, these apps may not be effective if the drones use encrypted Wi-Fi signals or are more than half a mile away from the phone.

Can I use thermal detection to spot a drone at night?

Yes, you can use thermal detection to spot a drone at night by acquiring a thermal camera. A drone’s circuitry generates heat as it flies through the air, making it detectable against the coolness of the night sky.

Are there any limitations to spotting drones at night?

Yes, there are limitations to spotting drones at night. Some methods may not work in noisy or crowded areas, while others may require expensive equipment or professional assistance. Additionally, some methods may not be effective against stealthy or professional surveillance drones.

Can I legally fly a drone at night?

Flying a drone at night may be subject to legal restrictions and regulations in your area. It is important to check with local authorities and obtain any necessary permits or licenses before flying a drone at night.

Can I use motion sensors to detect a drone?

Yes, you can use motion sensors to detect a drone. Various kinds of motion detection cameras and microwave motion sensors can be used to detect drones. The cameras are often more accurate than humans when detecting drones, and by comparing a sequence of photos captured by the cameras, they can detect movement. When the camera detects movement, it will alert you about any encroaching object.

Many motion-sensor cameras can be set up to deliver alerts to your phone by default. On the other hand, microwave motion sensors release electromagnetic waves into the environment and monitor the waves as they return. Some of the waves are reflected back by drones, and the microwave motion sensors will recognize a drone that’s entering the area under their radar.

How can thermal detection be used to detect a drone?

Thermal detection can be used to detect drones by using a thermal camera. A drone’s circuitry warms up quickly as it flies through the air. By the time it lands, it is really hot, and the battery is even hotter.

The rapid transfer of energy from the batteries to the motors generates a significant quantity of heat inside the circuit boards, making them vulnerable to detection by thermal cameras at night. With a thermal camera, you can readily detect the heated components of a drone against the coolness of the night sky.

Final Words

As already said, there are two primary ways to recognize a drone at night: utilizing your senses and also using technology. You can always use your eyes and ears to try and locate the drone. If you wish to reliably safeguard your region from an unanticipated invasion or to find that lovely drone of yours that you lost at night, you should use modern technology to detect them.

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