How to Fix CPU Fan Error on Boot Time? – Quick Fix Tutorial

fix CPU Fan Error

Your computer’s CPU fan is like the fan you use on a hot day. It keeps the computer’s brain (the CPU) cool by blowing air on it.

If it stops working, the computer’s brain can get too hot, and that’s not good for your computer. Sometimes, when you start your computer, you might see a message saying “CPU Fan Error.”

This is the computer’s way of telling you, “Hey, something’s not right with the fan!” But don’t worry, here are some simple steps you can take to fix this.

1. Look at the Fan’s Plug

Fan in your PC

Your CPU fan has a little plug that connects it to the computer’s main board, kind of like how a lamp plugs into a wall socket. There’s a spot on the board that usually says “CPU_FAN” or “SYS_FAN”.

Make sure your fan’s plug is in the right spot. If you still see the “CPU Fan Error” message, give the plug a little push to make sure it’s snug.

2. Give the Fan a Spin

Try turning the fan with your finger. If it doesn’t move, it might be broken.

You can also try plugging another fan into that same spot to see if it works. If it doesn’t spin, you’ll need a new one.

3. Clean It Up

Deep-Clean PC Fans

Just like your room can get dusty, so can your fan. Grab a can of air (the kind for cleaning electronics) and give it a good spray.

This will help get rid of any dust that might be stopping it from working right.

4. Update Your Computer’s Brain

Sometimes, the computer’s brain (called the BIOS) needs a little update. You can find these updates on the website of the company that made your computer’s main board.

5. Tweak the Settings

PC Fan settings

On some computers, you can change how the fan works. You might be able to make it spin faster or have it run all the time.

Check in the computer’s settings (the BIOS) to see if you can make these changes.

6. Get a New Fan

If you’ve tried everything and you’re still seeing that “CPU Fan Error” message, it might be time for a new fan. Just like sometimes you need new shoes, sometimes your computer needs a replacement.

More Tips

  1. Check Your Cool Liquid System: If your computer uses a special liquid to stay cool, make sure the little machine (the pump) that moves the liquid is doing its job.
  2. Boosting Your Computer’s Power?: If you’ve made your computer run faster than usual (called overclocking), you might need to make the fan spin faster too. You can do this in the computer’s settings (the BIOS).

How to Avoid These Issues

  1. Keep It Clean: Imagine your computer is like a room. If it gets too dusty, things don’t work as well. So, make sure to clean your computer now and then, especially the fan area.
  2. Install it Right: Make sure your CPU fan sits just right and nothing’s blocking its blades. Think of it like placing a fan in your room; you wouldn’t want anything blocking the breeze, right?
  3. Watch the Liquid Levels: If your computer uses a liquid cooling system, it’s like a car needing the right amount of oil. Make sure there’s enough liquid in the system.

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll give your computer’s fan a better chance of working right and avoid seeing that “CPU Fan Error” message. Think of it as giving your computer a little TLC (Tender Loving Care)!

Diagram of the CPU Fan Header

Here’s a visual representation of where the header is located on the motherboard:

This is the spot where you connect your fan to ensure it gets power and can communicate with the motherboard. Always make sure it’s connected properly for optimal cooling!

Why It Might Be Acting Up

  1. Broken: Sometimes, fans just stop working. It’s like when a light bulb burns out.
  2. Wobbly Connection: The fan’s plug might be a bit loose. It’s like when your phone charger doesn’t quite fit right.
  3. Dirty: Dust and fluff can get in the way of the fan spinning. Imagine trying to walk with stones in your shoes!
  4. Supercharged Computer: If you’ve made your computer run faster than it’s used to (overclocking), it can get hotter than usual.
  5. Main Board Issues: The big board inside your computer (the motherboard) might have a problem.
  6. Computer Brain Glitch: The computer’s brain (the BIOS) might have a little hiccup.

How to Update the Computer’s Brain (BIOS)

  1. Start in BIOS Mode: When you turn on your computer, get it into the BIOS mode.
  2. Look for the Update Option: There should be an option that says something like “Update BIOS”.
  3. Follow the Steps: The computer will guide you. Just follow what it says on the screen.

How to Make Your Computer Faster

If you make your computer run faster, it can get really hot. It’s like running really fast on a hot day.

If it isn’t working extra hard, the computer can get too hot and break.

A Friendly Reminder

CPU Air Coolers

The BIOS is like the computer’s heart. If you’re not sure about changing something, always check the computer’s guidebook.

It’s like reading the instructions before building a LEGO set. You wouldn’t want to mess up, right?


How long can I use my computer with a CPU fan error?

It is not advisable to use your computer with this kind of error. The fan helps to keep the CPU cool, and without it, the CPU could overheat and damage itself.

What are the signs that my CPU is overheating?

The signs that your CPU is overheating can include:

  • The computer shuts down unexpectedly
  • The computer making strange noises
  • The computer runs slowly
  • The computer displays a message that says “CPU Overheating”

What should I do if my CPU is overheating?

If you think your CPU is overheating, you should turn off your computer immediately and let it cool down. Once the computer has cooled down, you should check it to make sure it is working properly.

If the fan is not working properly, you should replace it.

Where can I get help if I am having trouble fixing this kind of error?

If you are having trouble fixing a fan error, you can get help from a computer technician or from the manufacturer of your computer.

Closing Thoughts

Taking care of your computer is a lot like looking after a pet or a plant. It needs attention, care, and sometimes a bit of troubleshooting.

Imagine the CPU fan as the computer’s personal little breeze on a warm day, keeping its brain cool. If that breeze stops, things can get too warm, and just like us, computers don’t like getting too hot.

Those “CPU Fan Error” messages? That’s your computer’s way of saying, “Hey, I need some help here!”

But with the right steps, like checking its connections, cleaning it up, or even getting a new fan, you can make it feel better.

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